Isotope Geochemistry

同位素地球化学中心是世界一流的设施,可对各种材料的放射性成因和稳定同位素进行高精度分析. The Center is spread over two laboratories in Devlin Hall and 245 Beacon St. 德夫林实验室包括一个750平方英尺的1000级痕量金属洁净室和10个100级工作空间, four laminar flow exhausting fume hoods, and three analytical balances. This space is also home to two IsotopX Phoenix Thermal Ionisation Mass Spectrometers. 这些TIMS分别于2016年和2022年安装,主要用于对地球和环境科学材料的小样本钕和锶同位素进行高精度分析. We also have a mineral preparation laboratory for preparation of geologic materials.

位于Beacon St 245号的实验室包括一个Thermo Delta V同位素比质谱仪,配备两个Gas Bench II系统:一个用于使用反硝化器方法进行高精度N2O分析, and another for the CO2 isotope analysis of carbonates. IRMS还配备了一个元素分析仪,用于固体样品的碳氮硫同位素分析. 该实验室还拥有安捷伦8900电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICPMS),可以在溶液模式下使用,也可以连接到我们的应用光谱分辨率193nm ArF准分子激光烧蚀系统,用于固体材料的高分辨率原位分析.

Principally, 该中心采取合作的方法进行电子游戏正规平台,在大多数情况下,用户接受了准备方面的培训, separate, purify, and analyse samples under the direction of Center management. 我们重视所有用户的教育体验,并高度鼓励有积极性的本科生参与中心的电子游戏正规平台活动. 感兴趣的各方和外部用户应联系中心管理层,讨论未来合作的细节.

Facility Director: Stephanie Walker
Facility Assistant Director: Andrew Lonero
Faculty Advisory Committee:
Ethan Baxter (TIMS)
Xingchen (Tony) Wang (IRMS)
Seth Kruckenberg (SEM)

New Clean Room

Center Facility Description

Two trace-metal clean rooms comprising 750 sq ft are at the heart of the laboratories in Devlin Hall. 无金属HEPA过滤实验室设计用于处理少量(亚纳克)材料,同时将环境污染降到最低. The space features 14 Class 100  ULPA filtered laminar flow benches and hoods, Savillex Teflon distillation devices, Analab metal-free hotplaces, and three analytical balances. The labs are designed to hold a steady temperature, and positive pressure is monitored by a Setra Multisense monitor at the interface of each lab door.


Our first TIMS was installed in 2016, and is equipped with nine moveable Faraday cups and an ion counting Daly detector, and has a full suite of both 1011 and 1012 Ohm resistors. In 2022 we installed a second Phoenix with new ATONA amplifiers, this TIMS is also equipped with nine moveable Faraday cups and an ion counting Daly detectors. 这些仪器的灵敏度允许获取高精度(15ppm 2SE长期外部)同位素数据的最小样品,低至亚纳克水平的高质量元素(如.g. 143Nd/144Nd, 87Sr/86Sr). 

所有细丝都是使用Amada Miyachi点焊机在内部准备的,并在DG60排气器中除气. 样品在ulpa过滤层流条件下加载,使用定制设计的灯丝加载台.


IRMS配备了通用三重收集器和D/H收集器,用于各种稳定同位素测量. The IRMS currently has three front-end peripherals, a modified Gas Bench used for N2O isotope analysis, a Gas Bench for the analysis of carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of carbonates, 以及用于测量固体样品中的碳氮硫元素和同位素组成的元素分析仪. 二氧化碳气体工作台配有96端口加热块和自动进样器,用于碳酸盐的制备和样品导入, water samples, and atmospheric gases. The setup allows for high-throughput automated continuous flow isotope analysis of CO2, O2, N2, and H2 gases. 钻孔装置和赛多利斯微克级分析天平可用于样品粉末的钻孔和称重.

Installed in 2022, the Agilent 8900 QQQ-ICPMS is a tandem mass spectrometer (MS/MS) used for (trace-)elemental analysis. 该仪器使用夹在两个四极质量过滤器之间的碰撞/反应池,可以使用反应化学来解决等压干扰. This has applications in Earth and environmental sciences, but also in materials science, chemistry, forensic science, life sciences and many other fields. The ICP-MS can be used in solution mode, taking advantage of an auto-sampler, or in Laser Ablation mode for in-situ, spatially-resolved analysis of solid materials.


该193 nm ArF准分子激光烧蚀系统主要与Agilent 8900 ICP-MS结合使用, 在广泛的固体材料中提供高空间分辨率的痕量元素数据.

用于处理固体地质样品和分离特定矿物相的设备. This Laboratory features a Spex ball mill for producing powders from rock fragments, petrographic and binocular microscopes, an exhausting fume hood for heavy liquid density separation, a new Frantz isodynamic separator for magnetic separation, and a New Wave MicroMill for high precision sampling.

Scanning Electron Microscope

The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) facility, housed within the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences in Devlin Hall, is the other facility that serves the Center for Isotope Geochemistry. 该设施拥有一台Tescan Mira 3肖特基场发射扫描电镜,可以在高真空或变压模式下运行, allowing for the characterization of coated or non-conductive specimens. 这种FEG-SEM配备了一系列的分析探测器,用于材料成像和表征(如.g., secondary, backscatter, cathodoluminescence detectors). 该系统还配备了一个集成的牛津仪器HKL对称电子背散射衍射(EBSD)探测器和一个X-Max 50硅漂移探测器, allowing for the rapid determination of crystallographic fabrics (i.e. lattice preferred orientations), patterns of rock microstructure (textural mapping), and semi-quantitative mineralogical and compositional maps. 扫描电镜实验室的配套仪器包括:(1)EMS 150TE涡轮分子泵送碳涂层机,用于生产用于成像的极薄导电涂层, EDS, and EBSD analyses; (2) a Struers LabPol-5 sample polishing system; (3) Buehler MiniMet and Vibromet2 polishers used for EBSD sample surface preparation; (4) a digital camera-equipped petrographic microscope (Zeiss Axioskop 40) and macroscope (Leica Z6 APO) for transmitted and reflected light observation and imaging of polished thin sections; and (5) a variety of computer workstations for post-processing and data analysis. 


Stephanie Walker

Stephanie Walker, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Isotope Geochemistry

Dr. Stephanie Walker is an isotope geochemist specializing in geochronology of the solid Earth. 她在伦敦皇家霍洛威大学完成博士学位后,于2017年加入不列颠哥伦比亚省,担任地球与环境科学系博士后. Steph has extensive expertise in the extraction and isolation of elements (particularly Sm, Nd, Lu, Hf, Rb, Sr) using clean-lab chemistry and column chromatography, and analysis of their isotopes using TIMS and MC-ICPMS. She also has experience of determining trace- and major-element concentrations using LA-ICPMS and XRF. 她的电子游戏正规平台重点是利用同位素地球化学和地质年代学来了解变质过程的时间和速率, particularly in orogenic systems.

Center for Isotope Geochemistry
Stephanie Walker, Ph.D.
Devlin Hall 314

Andrew Lonero, M.S.

Andrew Lonero, M.S.
Assistant Director, Center for Isotope Geochemistry

Andrew Lonero received his B.S. from the University of Hawaii, Hilo and his M.S. from Washington State University. During his graduate research, 他的工作是电子游戏正规平台黄石国家公园火山岩热液变化的稳定同位素. His expertise spans stable isotope (CHONS) geochemistry, major and trace-element chemistry (ICP-OES, ICP-MS, XRF) on solid materials and solutions, and method development in mass spectrometry. 在2022年来到电子游戏软件担任同位素地球化学中心助理主任之前, he was the geochemistry lab manager at Utah State University.

Center for Isotope Geochemistry
Andrew Lonero, M.S.
Assistant Director
245 Beacon 004