



School of Theology and Ministry Renamed for Clough Family

The 电子游戏软件 School of Theology and Ministry has been renamed in honor of Gloria Clough MDiv ’90, MS ’96, 还有小查尔斯·“查克”·克拉夫. ’64, two of the University’s most loyal benefactors. 这所学校现在是格洛丽亚L. 查理一世. 克拉夫神学与事工学院. 克劳夫夫妇的2500万美元礼物, one of the largest ever given to a school of theology, 神性, 或者宗教电子游戏正规平台, will provide tuition support for lay students who otherwise could not afford to pursue a degree at the school. “Chuck and Gloria Clough are wonderful examples of people who have given their lives in service of the people of God,STM院长迈克尔·麦卡锡说, SJ. “Their gift, therefore, is deeply reflective of who they are.” 以及探究克莱门特



电子游戏软件 was recently ranked as the twelfth-safest college campus in the country. 学术影响力, 排名背后的组织, gave BC high marks for the presence of security officers, 照明, 学生穿梭巴士, 和山庄的心理健康办公室, as well as the University’s surveillance systems and technology.

凯伦·布洛克, the Louise McMahon Ahearn Endowed Professor in the School of Social Work, received a major award in March in recognition of her long-standing work to improve serious illness care for underserved patient populations. The American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine presented Bullock with the Richard Payne Outstanding Achievement in Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion Award for her advocacy related to serious illness care.

安娜米. Martinez-Aleman, an associate dean and professor in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, was recently named one of forty outstanding women in higher education by the respected publication 多样性:高等教育中的问题. Martinez-Aleman’s research has explored complex issues such as student anti–sexual violence activism and online racialized aggression, and she wrote one of the first books about social media’s impact on students.

《电子游戏正规平台》 recently named 电子游戏软件 one of its twenty “new Ivies.” The group is made up of public and private US universities with high achieving graduates that the magazine says are often preferred by employers over those from Ivy League institutions. BC is the only New England school that made the list.

李教练马努, director of photography in the 电子游戏软件 Office of University Communications, was honored last spring with the 电子游戏软件 Arts Council’s annual Faculty/Staff Art Award. The honor is bestowed upon a faculty or staff member who has made an outstanding contribution to the arts at BC in a variety of ways.


  照片:Ali Kulez


名称: Food and Identity in Latin/o American Literature and Culture
教练: Ali Kulez, assistant professor of Hispanic studies
专注: The relationship between food and identity in Latin American and US Latino cultures from the 1920s to now.

全部用西班牙语授课, this new undergraduate course explores food imagery in Latin American literature. Far from experiencing the cuisine just on the printed page, 然而, 学生们到波士顿的餐馆进行实地考察, 听听餐馆老板的意见, 厨师, 食品正义活动家, and actually 烹饪 up some of the dishes they read about. 在教室里, they analyze texts by learning about the social forces behind food in Latin America, and also explore the influence food has had on Latinx identity. “I’m always fascinated by how strongly people feel about their own food,” Kulez said. “这通常是自尊心的问题, and shows particular dynamics about the way they imagine their communities.” 以及探究克莱门特


  图片来源:Robert Voets/CBS

BC法律毕业生排名第二 幸存者

在吸引了全国观众几个月之后, Charlie Davis JD’24 was selected as the Season 46 runner-up on the hit TV show 幸存者. “我为自己的比赛感到骄傲, 我很感激能走到今天, 和失去一样痛苦,戴维斯说。, a Massachusetts native who attended Harvard as an undergrad and is a noted Taylor Swift fan. Beating out sixteen other competitors while spending twenty-six days on an island enduring grueling physical challenges with limited access to food, 卫生产品, 而庇护也不是一件容易的事. “You really have to have your head in the game from day one,” Davis said. “A five-second conversation can cut your lifeline in the game, so you have to just be so deliberate about the relationships you’re building.“这部剧是去年夏天在斐济拍摄的, 古德温·宝洁, the Boston firm where Davis will soon be practicing business law full-time, accommodated his schedule when filming interfered with part of his summer internship. He also received ample support from the BC community, 包括他在BC法学院的同学, who regularly attended watch parties he hosted around Boston. 当被问及他对这部剧最疯狂的回忆时, Davis said some made it to air—like the time a castmate melted down after not winning an Applebee’s burger—while others did not, 包括他的部落不顾一切的狩猎, 烹饪, and eat a sea cucumber using only a machete and a pot. “太不可思议了,”他说. “When people say it’s the adventure of a lifetime, that’s 100 percent true.” 以及探究克莱门特